Letter from VP Recruitment

A Letter From Our Vice President Recruitment

Dear PNM’s, 

These next few weeks are going to be such an exciting time in your college experience. From moving to Davis to transitioning to in person classes, this is your chance to experience college life beyond just Zoom calls and computer screens. Though it can be intimidating, college is the best time to push yourself out of your comfort zone and enjoy all the growth that comes with it. I remember when I was signing up for recruitment, I was feeling excited, nervous and overwhelmed all at once. But if your experience is anything like mine, I promise that your decision to sign up for recruitment will connect you to an amazing group of supportive women and a community you can call home. There is so much to look forward to in the next few years, like:

  1. Picnics in the Arb

  2. The best Hutch sunsets

  3. Saturday mornings at the farmers market

  4. Celebrating Picnic Day

  5. Finding your best friends and sisters

The best advice I can give is take a deep breath, relax, and be yourself. Savor every moment because the next few years are going to fly by before you know it! You’re going to meet so many incredible women throughout this process and while you might have to make some hard decisions, remember to trust your gut and be true to yourself. All the women at Alpha Chi can’t wait to meet you and who knows, maybe on bid day we’ll be waiting for you at 137 C St.



VP of Recruitment